Due to a recent announcement from Va Governor Ralph Northam recommending restrictions of 100+ people in certain parts of Virginia and the CDC announcing that they recommend limiting groups to no more than 50 people nationwide, the church has decided to postpone all scheduled events effective immediately.  Tentatively we plan to return to all services beginning Palm Sunday, April 5th.

All regularly scheduled events at church are postponed including but not limited: All Sunday and Wednesday night activities, this weekend’s Men Can Cook, and the weekly Food Pantry.

We will continue to communicate to the church body through email, the prayer chain, and both the web and Facebook pages, so don’t forget to check those semi-weekly.

As a reminder…

-If you are in need or know someone who is, the Church staff will continue to keep and hold regular office hours.  Feel free to contact them by phone or email.

-Please continue to contact Pastor EB or Janice with any prayer concerns and updates.

-Tithes can be brought by the church during the week or mailed.

Until we meet again, we encourage you to make a call, shoot a text, or drop a card in the mail to continue to lift up one another.